Solcellepanel – lav det selv

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  •  Byg selv solpaneler til at producere el fra solen
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For mennesker, der bor i norden er solpaneler sandsynligvis den mest omkostningseffektive form for vedvarende energi.

DIY Home Energy-systemet™ viser folk, hvordan man sparer op til 85% på et solpanelsystem.

Besparelser som denne er mulige. I stedet for at købe et dyrt solpanel system fra en sol forhandler. Så lærer DIY Home Energy™ system at:

  • Få alle et solpanel systemer dele fra sol grossister til store rabatter.
  • Så hvordan man nemt sammensætter en professionel kvalitet solpanel system med disse dele.

Omkostninger for DIY Home Energy™ system vil være betydeligt mindre, end hvis du har købt det samme system fra en solpanel forhandler.

Og når du opsat  DIY Home Energy™ system, vil det fortsætte med at producere ren, vedvarende energi, fordi din solpaneler konverterer (gratis) energi fra Solen til brugbar elektricitet.

Du kan derefter bruge denne elektricitet til at drive dine enheder, apparater og elektronik.

DIY Home Energy-systemet™ viser dig også, hvordan du opretter det system, du ønsker. Og er ikke et “one size fits all“-system!

Solcellepanel til at tage med på tur

Så hvis du vil have et lille bærbart energisystem til din campingtur, RV eller bagklap – lærer du nemt at sammensætte et system som dette!

Eller hvis du ønsker at skalere systemet op til noget som en hel hytte. Du kan gøre dette så godt (og ja, alle kan gøre dette)!

Med DIY Home Energy-systemet™ har du kontrol over din energi. Vi lærer dig, hvordan du opretter det system, der opfylder dine strømbehov…

… samtidig spare dig betydelige mængder af penge i forhold til at købe det samme system fra en sol forhandler!

Solenergi – Fordele og Ulemper

Solenergi – Fordele og Ulemper

Solenergi er en ressource, der har eksisteret i flere årtier, men nu er interessen steget i forbindelse med den alvorlige globale opvarmning. Alternativ solenergi, har et stort potentiale som en væsentlig energikilde.

Solenergi – Fordele og Ulemper.

Kul oliebaserede brændstoffer og kernekraft er ikke vedvarende, og hver af dem bidrager til forurening. Kul og gas-energi produktion udleder enorme mængder af kuldioxid til atmosfæren. Disse stoffer er den vigtigste årsag til den globale opvarmning. Ingen af disse brændstoffer er vedvarende. Råolie er hurtigt ved at løbe ud. Nukleare kraftværker producerer radioaktivt affald, som er derefter bliver lagret i vores jord. I betragtning af disse faktorer, er fordelene ved solenergi  indlysende.

Andre former for vedvarende alternativ energi kommer fra brint, vind og jord. Vandkraftværker har været i brug i nogen tid, men er for dyrt og jord-og personlighedsændrende til at optage på en stor skala. Udgifterne til produktionen af brint er ekstrem. Vindenergi er en lovende form for alternativ magt. Vindmølle gårde har været rundt i temmelig lang tid, og mere er ved at blive bygget hvert år.

Reduktion af Trække på Elektriske Anlæg…Når hjem og virksomheder bruge solpaneler til at producere elektricitet, ubrugt strøm fra forsyningsselskaber, der går tilbage til nettet. Dette gør mere elektricitet til rådighed til forbrug af andre.

Solenergi el har chancen for at blive en vigtig kilde til vores jordens energi. Fordele af solenergi er, at den ikke løber ud, og det er ren. Der er absolut ingen forurenende stoffer, der er gjort i produktion af solenergi. Lande over hele verden er begyndt at optage solenergi til elektricitet. Tyskland fører an i at fremme brugen af solpaneler til at samle solens energi og producere elektricitet. I Indien, de arbejder på en sol-energi-anlæg, der hævdes at være den største i verden. I USA, alternativ solenergi, der er ved at blive undersøgt for at finde måder at lagre solenergi og forskere er på udkig efter metoder til at bygge solpaneler uden de store omkostninger. Boligejere, der tilbydes skattelettelser for installation af solceller på boliger til at udligne de enorme omkostninger af installationen.

Mens alternativ solenergi er endnu ikke tilgængelige for alle, på grund af den høje pris på solcellepaneler, forskerne er travlt på udkig efter måder at reducere omkostningerne. På tværs af verdens lande, er at komme bag om tanken om alternativ solenergi. Nogle regeringer er ved at udvikle programmer til at fremme brugen af solenergi til elektricitet. Usa giver til skattelettelser og rabatter, når de borgere, der gør brug af alternative energikilder og alternative solenergi er en af de kvalificerende elementer. Dem, der har råd til at drive deres hjem med sol energi ser store reduktioner i deres energi regninger og betalinger fra staten for deres bidrag til ren luft. Det kan tage et par år til at gøre op omkostning, men mange ser det som et middel til at gøre deres del for at støtte en reduktion af kul.

Selv med den begrænsning, at den skulle fulde solen til at producere solenergi el, hvilket reducerer omkostningerne ved solceller er værd at gøre denne kilde af energi til rådighed for alle på planeten. Vi mennesker er berygtet for at nå vores mål, når vi gør ideer top prioriteter. Med innovation og vilje, produktion og anvendelse af solenergi til elektricitet vil være værd at arbejde, vi har lagt i det

Alt du behøver at vide om Solenergi el Solenergi El –

Home Solar Power Systems – Can I Tell the Power Company I Won’t Pay That Much Again?

Home solar power systems use Photovoltaic solar power. Sounds pretty cool doesn’t it? What it is able to do really is cool. It is something that has become more popular in the last couple of decades. Most people have heard it called solar panel electricity, solar generated power or just solar power.

Photovoltaic power is the kind of solar energy that is most commonly used to produce residential solar energy. The photovoltaic (PV) cells are made of silicon, an abundant resource, which are connected to form an array which makes up solar panels. The technology used to make solar panels has advanced quickly in the past few years. Millions of households around the world have chosen to implement home solar energy systems for their electric power needs.

The price of having new solar panels installed for their homes is still not within the reach of many. There are commercial vendors who will finance the cost for several years. Many times the savings realized on power bills will pay for the implementation package on or before the end of the financed period of time.

A lot of people implement their home photovoltaic power systems in increments. At first, they may have only one or two items powered by solar electricity. More PV cells are later added enabling more electrical power items to be operated by solar power electricity. This is a way in which you can start to slicing big chunks’ out of your power bill, it’s like telling the power company “I’m not going to pay you as much as I did last month”.

Over the last few years several good alternatives to new photovoltaic solar power generators have appeared on the market. Used solar panels can be purchased from individuals or businesses who are upgrading their systems. There are numerous resellers on the internet where used solar panels can be purchased.

The overall price of home solar systems has decreased dramatically over the past decade. One way to decrease the price of your photovoltaic solar power system is to implement it in steps. Consider using solar power for one or two electric appliance at a time. You can add to your solar power electricity as your budget and desires allow.

Another very popular way to put in solar electricity is do-it-yourself projects. Recently several very good do-it-yourself products have made their way to the market. These products have easy to follow step-by-step instruction manuals. They also have videos and contain lists of materials that will be needed and that can be bought at your local hardware store for less than $ 200.

Home solar power systems electricity is clean, efficient and comes from an inexhaustible, renewable source. Solar panel operation is quiet with no moving parts which mean very low maintenance. Solar power is good for the environment and can save loads of money on your electric bills.

Next, for those who would like to discover more about how this “cool” photovoltaic power can help you hang on to more of your hard earned money, just go to Check out the info that you will find at

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Save Through Solar Power Systems

Today renewable solar power systems have become an easy accessible solution which seems to be a great benefit not only for manufacturers getting involved with a many million industry but for ordinary people as well since solar energy technologies allow to save a considerable sum of money and pay back quickly. Besides it is an undeniable asset to the environmental protection.

But not everybody even great nature lovers will agree to invest $ 50000-100000 into a solar power system without being pretty sure and having tangible proofs that it is worth it. Let’s see. The average monthly cost per energy is about 200$ . Taking into account the present situation on the financial market the household energy costs are likely to rise by approximately 4% annually. So if you now pay about 2500$ for electricity each year, in 25 years when your solar system life cycle ends, these costs will be approximately 5500$ annually. So If to see in a long perspective and calculate, you will find out that with a solar energy system you are able save over 86000$ . With all that promising numbers you should not forget that if you go solar it will have a positive impact on the environment in many ways, considering that the emissions of CO2 will be considerably reduced and the 1.37 cars will be taken off the road to save the air clean not only in the neighborhood but in the whole city you live in.

Alongside manifold money benefits from saving off electric grid costs, it is proved that solar power systems appear to be the most valuable home improvement and give a terrific return on the investment. We have already verified that the solar system will pay back in 8-10 years, but what’s more exciting is that with the increase of your savings every year the value of the property increases as well. And if you save for about 1000$ annually off electric operation, the increase in your house value will be 20000$ or even more. Isn’t it a worthful investment then? The thing is that future homebuyers will definitely consider the fact that your home operates on a free solar power that saves thousands of dollars every year which will move them to make the right decision.

Lately the usage of solar power systems have gained an extensive support by the government which encourages the installation of the solar energy equipment by offering facilities, grants and rebates for those who want to be off the grid. To say nothing of the tax property exemption law implemented in regard to all kinds of solar power devices and systems. With all the above mentioned benefits whether it is lowered electricity costs, incrementally increasing value of your property, tax exemption or the possibility to make money by selling the energy back and a huge government support, solar power systems appear to be a valuable investment and a better contribution to a healthy environment.

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Solar Panels And Solar Power For The Home

There are many benefits to having solar panels in your home. One of the biggest benefits to this is that you will be helping to save the world, a little at a time each time you flip on a light in your home. This is because you are not using a man made energy system that is eating away at our ozone layer. Besides this, solar power is a renewable energy; therefore, we will not be running out of it any time soon. As long as the sun is still shining, even if it is covered with clouds, grey and overcast, we will still have solar power.

In many homes, the power bill is the most expensive aside from the mortgage. When you have solar power for the home, you do not have to worry about paying the power bill any longer because using the sun to light your home is free. The energy collected throughout the day can be stored and used to heat the house, watch TV at night, and anything else that you want to do with it when there regularly is no sun. Compared to other sources, solar panels are environmentally friendly. We do not have to worry about harming the earth when we have these installed in our home. Solar cells do not release anything into the air so we do not have to worry about greenhouse gases or carcinogens being put back into the air we breathe.

Some people may be concerned that their solar panel system is going to be too noisy to enjoy. The fact of the matter is, people can generate thousands of hours of energy with absolutely no need for maintenance or any sound. This means that not only will you have to find something else to do on your weekends other than solar panel repairs, but also you will not have to worry about not being able to hear the television or radio over the buzz of the panels. This is because home solar panels are the only energy source that is completely silent.

Solar power for the home is accessible to everyone. There are some systems that cost tens of thousands of dollars and others that only cost a couple hundred dollars. This means that it is affordable for everyone. Once you have paid for the initial cost of your solar panels, you will be doing nothing but making money seeing as how you are eligible for the Feed-In Tariff and you can sell any excess energy to the power companies.

For many, one of the nicest benefits is being able to be off the grid. This is especially useful for those living in places that are in the country. Being off the grid affords you the possibility of not having to pay an electric bill or hook up fee. You can be completely self sufficient, something that we all strive for but rarely achieve. With solar home panels, however, we can be self-sufficient and let the government and any others pay us for our renewable energy source.

The author of this article is an industry expert on solar panels and solar panels for the home, if you would like to know more about home solar power please visit their site!

Understanding the Many Types of Solar Power Systems

The sun provides us a wide range of free energy every day that can be used to lower the amount of power produced by fossil fuels that a homeowner has to pay for. There are solar collection and conversion systems available in a range of sizes that will allow you to generate your own electricity, heat your home, heat your water and even heat your pool. All of these systems are easier to install and less expensive than ever before and can be installed on any style home, anywhere in the world.

Solar Power Electricity

The most common form of solar energy is used for generating power for your home and is based on photovoltaic panels. These solar power electricity systems have been available for decades, but because of improvements to their efficiency and ease of installation they have become very popular in the last few years. They basically consist of a set of solar panels that are typically mounted on your roof. These panels will produce a DC current when exposed to the sun. This DC current is then converted to AC current by a device called an inverter and supplied to your home for use. If you generate more power than you need, the excess is sent back up the power lines to the local utility where it generates a credit that can be used to offset the power you buy back from them in the evenings. If you size one of these home solar power systems correctly, you can easily supply all the power your home requires for a reasonable investment in one of these home solar power systems.

Solar Power Lights

A similar use of PV technology has been applied to solar power light systems. These initially started out as simple and inexpensive pathway lighting that homeowners could install themselves. Each light contains a small solar panel and battery that is charged by the sun each day. In the evenings, this solar power light would use the stored energy from the battery to light the bulb in the enclosure. In the last few years these solar power light systems have expanded to include all types of exterior lighting and even some interior lighting solutions as well. They provide a very efficient and inexpensive alternative for many lighting needs.

Solar Water Heating Systems

Another very popular form of solar power is a solar hot water system. This type of passive solar heat system is designed to heat the water you use in your home with sunlight. The way this system works is by placing a specialized solar collector on your roof that the solar hot water system uses to heat the water passing through it. This collector contains a webbing of small tubes that are connected to the home’s hot water lines. As the water is passed through these tubes and exposed to the sun, the water is quickly heated and returned to your home. These solar hot water systems are very inexpensive, easy to install and can heat all the water needed for an averaged sized home. These have even been adapted to heating the water in your pool and do a great job of keep that water warm as well.

Passive Solar Air Heat

A final use for solar power is for passive solar heat in a home. This type of system uses the home itself as the solar collector and involves the installation of large windows on the southern side of the house that allow sunlight to penetrate deep into the home. As this sunlight strikes the wall and floors of the home, it heats these surfaces and this heat will be slowly released all evening. This helps to keep the home at a stable and comfortable temperature all year round. In some of these passive solar heat installations the floors and walls are treated with a specialized material that will improve the surface’s ability to collect and retain the heat from the sun. These systems can be very effective and will allow the average home to significantly lower their heating bills each year.

Get more great content and information about topics like home solar power systems [] and to get a free 5-day eCourse to learn more about solar power for homes [].

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Concentrated Solar Power And Homemade Solar Panels

Homemade Solar Panels can be a great strategy to minimize some of your bill’s and also higher than that, you get to feel terrific about yourself for making use of green electricity on a everyday basis. Regardless of how considerably information you indeed gather prior to building your solar panels, you are able to locate instances when even this information is not very sufficient, and also you might reach an impasse after you’re building your panels if this occurs. Just keep in mind, you are able to find experts obtainable whom you might be able to contact, and in most situations you are going to be capable of get the data still needed from them.

So what must be done here is offer all of the people that visit this specific article with as significantly information about choosing the correct homemade solar panel plans, as feasible. All of the novices who’re planning to construct their own solar panels, are going to demand some helpful data on the in’s and out’s of solar panel building. A good explanation is what you deserve after you buy your own set of solar panel plans for your dwelling or business .

Each and every single solar panel offer may possibly not constantly contain each and every 1 of the similar objects. You’ll discover those that have written plans and also extra info for you to explore on videos, which are in specific packages. For your information, it’s just a reality that every 1 deals don’t have videos with them. If you’re contemplating obtaining info on building aided by the allow of a video, you then will in all probability be looking to get to compensate a bit a lot more for this type of deal. Aided by the support of a very great on the internet video, the modest sum additional that you just will pay back is possibly worth it for you. For the novice, in distinct, it’s going to be an excellent assist to get the added information which will be presented to you from the video. It’s just a wise plan to purchase this video clip.

Believe it or not -many of the Homemade Solar Plans Tend not to supply the wiring and installation instructions! When infromation for building a solar isn’t integrated in a package deal, it’s a distinct possibility which the manufacturer feels which the person building the solar panel have to be knowledgeable in these areas

But in the event you are careful, and you make sure that you check the sales pages, you’ll not get “duped” into buying solar panel plans which are minimize rate and will leave you wondering if your panels are developed correctly.

Whenever you are gonna assemble an array of solar panels for a distinct use, you’ll locate that working with a Solar Strength Calcular is really a great asset in offering the suitable information for you regarding how numerous solar panel you could ought to make. Its not often supplied -but we currently use some plans that give it away totally free to everyone that makes use of them. Should you determine to construct your solar panel project with out a Solar Electricity Calculator, you’ll be heading ahead within the dark, as you will not know what your requirements genuinely are for your challenge. Whatever undertaking an specific person embarks on, when that person has each 1 of the info, all of the components, and all the necessary tools, the job is typically effortlessly and accurately completed, inside the finish.

Both of these will basically make issues a entire great deal much less tough for you. The Power Guide will let you recognize nearly promptly how much money you save making use of the various solar panel sizes. Combine this aided by the Solar Calculator and you also will see solar energy thorugh the eyes of an expert.

And also the IRS Rebate Forms – these undoubtedly are a LIFESAVER! I dont know if folks today have tried to locate these forms on the internet or if men and women even recognize that these forms will present them having a nice Gopvernment Rebate from the United States government. These IRS Rebate forms only come with 1 set of homemade solar panel plans -and they will assist you to immediately be prepared for your completely free cash from the authorities.

Really should you desire to take a look at actual Solar panel Plans that supply everything listed above, you are able to see them right here: Solar Energy Panels

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